Welcome to Choklett's Blog

Welcome to Choklett's Blog
Love the life you live, and live the life you love.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Slight change in plans...

So I did NOT go get the wig! It has been hotter than fish grease the last few days, and I can NOT imagine walking around with a wig and a net sitting on top of the hair on my head... Can you say "dripping wet"! That would be the word of the day. It was 101 degrees today! I slicked my hair back in a ponytail, with some alcohol free gel... And watched helpless as my edges waved/frizzed up from the sweat on my head. I have 11 days to go and I still have not mastered a natural hair style! I turned to my You Tube for styles and was inspired by some loose curls that was set by Bantu Knots. So I washed my hair the. Twisted and knotted my hair while still damp. I didn't put any moisturizer or conditioner on it because i am trying very hard to stay product free (or product-less). Luckily, I don't have anywhere special to go tomorrow, so if it doesn't come out well, I can do another slickback. But I do need to master some type of look by next Sunday (which is 3 days before the big day). I must attend my Sis-in-laws bridal shower, which I am helping to host since I am a bridesmaid in the wedding... Which means a lot of picture taking... Which means I need to master some type of look. Geeesh, I am hoping for a miracle here. But oh well, we shall see. How this works out. I didn't take a picture of the knots. But I can post a picture tomorrow of the curls IF they look decent. If they don't... Uhmmmmm, they will be slicked in ponytail faster than the time it takes to read this paragraph... Oh. Well guys, I will see u later! ;-)

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